Sunday, October 25, 2009

Don’t just Train Hard, Train Smart!

First off, I highly suggest that you hire a trainer for a set period of time. It is important to not become co-dependent on your trainer because he/she will not always be there to hold you accountable - but, hiring a trainer can be a very productive decision to jump-start your efforts.

As a personal trainer, it is my job to educate you on proper form, technique, workout variations, nutritional recommendations (90 percent of your weight-loss success!) and persistency. I am only there to hold your hand for a short period of time. I never intend to keep my clients forever, but until they gain enough confidence to do it on their own. Though, I will be their accountability buddy at 6 a.m., if they chose- but if you would prefer a friend or co-worker, wonderful!

I highly suggest that you soak up as much information and knowledge as possible in the mean time. Ask tons of questions and make sure you are setting yourself up for a life-long change.

"Believe in yourself, Trust the process, Change forever!" (Posted at “The Ranch" of The Biggest Loser gym!)

After completion of your program with your trainer, understand that the journey does not end here. You must continue training at the same level of intensity; or darn near close, in order to continue evolving your fitness level.

Jillian puts it like this: "Sweat, sweat, sweat...intensity, intensity, intensity!"

If you want to lose those last few stubborn pounds or inches, otherwise known as subcutaneous fat (the fat just beneath the skin), you have to allow the body to secrete stored up energy, better known as fat storage. So, you need not, be afraid of SWEAT!

Next, evolve your workouts!

It’s ALL about training smart! Save yourself some time and take my advice- focus on form, increased range of motion (or flexibly), changing it up and train with intensity and intention. All athletes know this standard. It’s no secret. In order to be efficient and challenge your body for change, you must be persistent and driven for something far greater than a hot body and a few compliments.

You must learn to derive the energy and motivation from within- from a much higher and much more powerful force than yourself; because your ego will gladly change its mind, lower its standards and thus, fog your vision for success.

I challenge you to separate yourself from your ego or “persona” and dig deep.
Ask yourself, why do I want to reach this goal?

• What is my intention?
• What will it take from me?
• What would my life look like if I were to reach this goal?

Intention is key! If you don’t have an exact plan you will never reach your extraordinary potential that's hidden deep within.

Don’t believe me?

Ask a professional athlete that has been practicing this method from a very young age. Look people, I’m not saying your goal is to be a hard-core athlete; I am only teaching you the mentality you must acquire to create change in your life. From your career status to your daily workout, this mental state is proven to surpass any expectation you may have.

I encourage you to recall a mentor in your life growing up or even current.

• What did he/she teach you?
• What inspired you about this person?
• What did this person acquire that you would like to have?

Look, no one is superhuman, but I do believe that some people in the world are living a higher quality of life, than most. Why, you ask? - Because they believe that they serve a purpose, greater than themselves, and their minds have evolved to see what’s possible.

Don’t think for a second that, that person will never be YOU, because it CAN be – if you say so.

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