Thursday, October 28, 2010

Passion almost always breeds Success...

Have you ever noticed how when you feel REALLY excited and passionate about something, whether it's a new movie, an intriguing book or how amazing you felt after a perfect evening on the town? Whatever the case, you often feel inspired, refreshed and boosted by this positive flow of energy.

So, the next time you feel like you can't make it through another monogamous day, remember that a quick shift in emotions can completely change in a moments notice.

How do I do this, you may be asking?: Neuro-liguistic programming (NLP).

NLP was originally designed by linguist John Grinder and mathematician and gestalt therapist Richard Bandler. It is used as a therapeutic technique for many behavioral conditions including state-of-mind. Studies have proven time and time again that by simply linking or "anchoring" the feeling that you have when you're most passionate and resourceful to an undesirable state can instantly shift our brains thus our emotions.

So remember that whatever circumstances in life you may be facing, how you choose to react to them is all that matters. Think of the people in your life that have contagious personalities. You just can't help but want to be around them. And then ask yourself if you have ever met anyone in your life that had everything figured out and in order?.....I can't think of a single one in my life!

No matter the circumstance, we ALL share one we chose to respond to life's challenges.

Top secret for the day:

Stay Positive...stay Motivated...stay Engaged with people.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Aside from a poor diet and lack of exercise, lets explore the root cause of your frustrations.

I know the words "hormones" and "endocrine system" have been tossed around in conversation and have gained popularity in recent times, but what do they really mean and how will knowing about them affect me?

Well, plain and simple, virtually every function produced by the body is initiated and released by a hormone in our brains. The hormones are a direct signal to our bodies. The chemical hormone is sent from the pituitary gland of the brain to the liver, which actually secretes the chemical to the rest of the body to form a specific reaction.

The 6 main hormones, in both male and female that conflict with our body fat are estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, T3, T4 and DHEA (adrenal gland). If one of these guys are not within normal ranges for your body it will eventually throw them all off.

So what do we do to have our hormones a.k.a. endocrine system all within normal ranges?
Well, first off, a full-paneled blood test must be performed by your doctor and sent to a lab for testing. Secondly your doctor may prescribe some sort of supplement to support your thyroid gland (Armour or Synthroid) or a bio-identical hormone, personalized for your body. However, there hasn't been enough research to support the bio-identical hormones so, it is currently a controversial subject in the medical field.

You may even consider visiting a hormone specialist, also known as an endocrinologist.

Whatever the logistics, the point is that one small hormone imbalance could be effecting ">when you feel hungry and full (ghrelin vs.leptin); why exercise seems torturous and sleep has become a luxury; why your metabolism is nonexistent; why the belly fat and bloating; or you just can't get rid of your acne; your unruly headaches; depression for no apparent reason; anxiety; foggy brain; memory loss; I could go on till I'm blue in the face people!!!

There is truly one common theme that should NOT be ignored! HORMONE BALANCE!!

And beyond what pills the doctors may give you, if you want to reverse these effects, you must dispose the toxins from your everyday life (house-hold cleaners, toothpaste, makeup, lotions, non organic produce, etc...)PS:Read "Master Your Metabolism" by Jillian Michaels

I challenge you to take responsibility for your body and be persistent with transforming your lifestyle because most of the time there is no quick-fix to hormone balance but it could be the most crucial element to feeling like yourself again.