Tuesday, November 9, 2010


By Julianna LoCascio

Do you ever get that feeling when you are so close to achieving something great and then you hear that little voice in your head that says, “I just don’t think I’m ready yet”?

Does this "happen" to you often?

You have completely convinced yourself that you have all the time in the world, and just as soon as that perfect moment comes you will lose the weight.

You even start a workout program and by day 9 you want to peel over and die!

Wake up people! It just does not work that way. If you are not willing to start right NOW, in this moment, you will never be ready to truly commit to something wholeheartedly.

I NEVER want to hear from my client’s mouth:

Julianna, I had an awful weekend! I splurged big time! I had Mexican food and a margarita for dinner, last night! And don't get mad, but I had a small chunk of chocolate cake at my friend’s birthday party too. I was pressured in to it though! It would have been rude not to, right?..."
You know what my response would be?

I only hear excuses, Mary Joe, for not following your own game plan. I hear a lack of integrity which ultimately, in the end, only affects YOU.

I am not saying that it is not okay to ever have a piece of chocolate cake or enjoy a Mexican dinner. The food is not the point. By all means, if you would like to have a little cake, great! Have some!

But, if in your mind you believe you did something “bad,” that is precisely where the problem lies. You cannot think in those terms or else we would all be doomed. As human beings we are bound to get off track over and over again. It is how we choose to continue from here, that separates the
from the

I am all for the confessions, but please do not come to me like I am your Mom and think that I am going to punish you for your wrong doings. You are an adult and I would be doing you a disservice.

You must change your mindset in order to achieve a sustainable goal.

But yes, Mary Joe, I AM here to train you anytime of day! I will encourage, educate and lift you up from the trenches of self-doubt. I am here to teach you to form a solid lifelong foundation and then let you go.

I refuse to be your crutch! So, what you do for the next twenty-three other hours, outside of my gym, is your choice and your consequences.

I only want to see that you succeed the goals YOU set out for. So therefore I will remain neutral in your decision-making but I will continue to be your life-long cheerleader.

So, the next time you catch yourself daydreaming about how amazing it would feel to strut in to that Christmas party this year having shed those last 15 lbs, stop and think first.

Remind yourself that you refuse to remain a statistic and you WILLreach your own potential.

Now, take a moment at your lunch break today, and write down a solid “plan of action,” so that when Christmas rolls around, your body truly will be more than you could ever have dreamed of.

Next Issue: Calories in, Calories Out

Monday, November 8, 2010

Adequate Sleep + Clear Head + Clean Diet = Loads of Energy and Results!

Listen up People!...

This step, alone, could be why you are not where you want to be!

You should be getting at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. I can not stress enough how important this step is in determining how your endocrine system (controls your hormone levels) will decide to function.

You’ve probably heard of the term, human growth hormones or HGH; well, this particular hormone is vital in repairing and restoring cellular function. Your HGH is released a few times throughout the day but it is also released 3-4 times during rest; I am not referring to the 20-minute catnap you had at your lunch-break. This slow release occurs throughout your nightly-slumber and that is why it is imperative that you not interrupt this crucial cycle.

A research study indicates that as little as 1-2 nights of restless sleep, or late-night insomnia could throw your entire endocrine system off to China!

I’m being serious though, you need your rest! How much, you ask? At least seven hours per night on an empty stomach, and the sooner the better.

Yes, you heard me right, NO food before bed! Studies have shown that your digestive tract could interfere with hormone secretion.

Also, carb-cravings begin after around 10’o’Clock, when your blood sugar level plummets, therefore impairing your judgment of your weight-loss goals. Your self-discipline can get a little unguarded; especially if you’re knocking back the booze after a long week (I will discuss the alcohol consumption thing later).

Anyways, back to hormones, the HGH, alone, essentially controls your energy levels, metabolism efficiency and a clear headedness- all of the elements required for weight loss success.

You know how a zit on your face, or a cut on you knee can do a tremendous amount of healing when you wake up in the morning. This is because layers of skin, also known as microscopic cells, begin to form over the effected area-

Translation: your cells begin to regenerate and restore themselves which promotes healing and rejuvenation.

Think about how a terrible sunburn can subside tremendously after a good night’s rest; and the instant relief you feel in the morning. It is the same with exercise. Your muscles need time to recover.

In the gym, you are essentially breaking or tearing down muscle tissue. When you’re NOT working out, especially during your REM (rapid eye movement sleep) cycle, your muscles are actually regenerating and forming.

I also highly suggest getting to bed before midnight, at least. People tend to crave carbs late at night which can add up quick for your daily calorie-intake. All of the hard-work you put into your workout and a healthy diet for the day is sabotaged by late-night cravings and mindless eating.

Thus, it is always best to load up on carbs at an early morning breakfast, that way you have the entire day to work them off.

Now, this is not an excuse to go obliterate some sugary pastries and high-carb bagels, as you rationalize in your mind how you will burn them all off. I’m speaking more along the lines of, a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal, a slice of whole-wheat toast, whole-wheat, buckwheat or oatmeal waffles, or a serving of high fiber, low-sugar whole grain cereal.

Also, it is very important that you combine a fat and protein source with each meal, including breakfast. This will help satisfy you for a longer period of time. Then eat a moderate amount of carbs for lunch and a low-carb, high-protein meal for dinner. This will help you fall asleep and STAY asleep.

Lastly, try not to consume too many fluids before bed, as this could be another trap, when you have to get up to use the restroom, which again interferes with your sleep patterns.

The bottom line is if you want to see optimal results, you HAVE TO get your REST.