Monday, January 25, 2010

What is Stopping you?

Do you ever think about about how life is happening right now as you
read this passage? There is no downtime to life, it just is. I hear
from my clients all the time say, "Once I get my weight down THEN I'll
be able toconquer the world; reach my full potential, have my vision become real.

The truth is, life is happening all around us right now and today is essentially all we know we have so why not right now? What's the worst that could happen?

So, enough with the, "I'll get to it."...when I have enough energy. Energy in fact, can be increased by sharing with others. Think about it.

I've been to enough funerals in my life to realize that it doesn't matter my demographic, we can be taken off this earth at any moment, so live in this moment as if it were your VERY last one.

I challenge you to do 3 bold things today that are VERY much out of your comfort zone.


Make that phone call you keep avoiding.
Initiate that hug you dread.
Meet a perfect stranger.
Ask someone out on a date.
Get a run in or a gym visit.

I would love to hear ALL of your thoughts....