Tuesday, November 9, 2010


By Julianna LoCascio

Do you ever get that feeling when you are so close to achieving something great and then you hear that little voice in your head that says, “I just don’t think I’m ready yet”?

Does this "happen" to you often?

You have completely convinced yourself that you have all the time in the world, and just as soon as that perfect moment comes you will lose the weight.

You even start a workout program and by day 9 you want to peel over and die!

Wake up people! It just does not work that way. If you are not willing to start right NOW, in this moment, you will never be ready to truly commit to something wholeheartedly.

I NEVER want to hear from my client’s mouth:

Julianna, I had an awful weekend! I splurged big time! I had Mexican food and a margarita for dinner, last night! And don't get mad, but I had a small chunk of chocolate cake at my friend’s birthday party too. I was pressured in to it though! It would have been rude not to, right?..."
You know what my response would be?

I only hear excuses, Mary Joe, for not following your own game plan. I hear a lack of integrity which ultimately, in the end, only affects YOU.

I am not saying that it is not okay to ever have a piece of chocolate cake or enjoy a Mexican dinner. The food is not the point. By all means, if you would like to have a little cake, great! Have some!

But, if in your mind you believe you did something “bad,” that is precisely where the problem lies. You cannot think in those terms or else we would all be doomed. As human beings we are bound to get off track over and over again. It is how we choose to continue from here, that separates the
from the

I am all for the confessions, but please do not come to me like I am your Mom and think that I am going to punish you for your wrong doings. You are an adult and I would be doing you a disservice.

You must change your mindset in order to achieve a sustainable goal.

But yes, Mary Joe, I AM here to train you anytime of day! I will encourage, educate and lift you up from the trenches of self-doubt. I am here to teach you to form a solid lifelong foundation and then let you go.

I refuse to be your crutch! So, what you do for the next twenty-three other hours, outside of my gym, is your choice and your consequences.

I only want to see that you succeed the goals YOU set out for. So therefore I will remain neutral in your decision-making but I will continue to be your life-long cheerleader.

So, the next time you catch yourself daydreaming about how amazing it would feel to strut in to that Christmas party this year having shed those last 15 lbs, stop and think first.

Remind yourself that you refuse to remain a statistic and you WILLreach your own potential.

Now, take a moment at your lunch break today, and write down a solid “plan of action,” so that when Christmas rolls around, your body truly will be more than you could ever have dreamed of.

Next Issue: Calories in, Calories Out

Monday, November 8, 2010

Adequate Sleep + Clear Head + Clean Diet = Loads of Energy and Results!

Listen up People!...

This step, alone, could be why you are not where you want to be!

You should be getting at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. I can not stress enough how important this step is in determining how your endocrine system (controls your hormone levels) will decide to function.

You’ve probably heard of the term, human growth hormones or HGH; well, this particular hormone is vital in repairing and restoring cellular function. Your HGH is released a few times throughout the day but it is also released 3-4 times during rest; I am not referring to the 20-minute catnap you had at your lunch-break. This slow release occurs throughout your nightly-slumber and that is why it is imperative that you not interrupt this crucial cycle.

A research study indicates that as little as 1-2 nights of restless sleep, or late-night insomnia could throw your entire endocrine system off to China!

I’m being serious though, you need your rest! How much, you ask? At least seven hours per night on an empty stomach, and the sooner the better.

Yes, you heard me right, NO food before bed! Studies have shown that your digestive tract could interfere with hormone secretion.

Also, carb-cravings begin after around 10’o’Clock, when your blood sugar level plummets, therefore impairing your judgment of your weight-loss goals. Your self-discipline can get a little unguarded; especially if you’re knocking back the booze after a long week (I will discuss the alcohol consumption thing later).

Anyways, back to hormones, the HGH, alone, essentially controls your energy levels, metabolism efficiency and a clear headedness- all of the elements required for weight loss success.

You know how a zit on your face, or a cut on you knee can do a tremendous amount of healing when you wake up in the morning. This is because layers of skin, also known as microscopic cells, begin to form over the effected area-

Translation: your cells begin to regenerate and restore themselves which promotes healing and rejuvenation.

Think about how a terrible sunburn can subside tremendously after a good night’s rest; and the instant relief you feel in the morning. It is the same with exercise. Your muscles need time to recover.

In the gym, you are essentially breaking or tearing down muscle tissue. When you’re NOT working out, especially during your REM (rapid eye movement sleep) cycle, your muscles are actually regenerating and forming.

I also highly suggest getting to bed before midnight, at least. People tend to crave carbs late at night which can add up quick for your daily calorie-intake. All of the hard-work you put into your workout and a healthy diet for the day is sabotaged by late-night cravings and mindless eating.

Thus, it is always best to load up on carbs at an early morning breakfast, that way you have the entire day to work them off.

Now, this is not an excuse to go obliterate some sugary pastries and high-carb bagels, as you rationalize in your mind how you will burn them all off. I’m speaking more along the lines of, a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal, a slice of whole-wheat toast, whole-wheat, buckwheat or oatmeal waffles, or a serving of high fiber, low-sugar whole grain cereal.

Also, it is very important that you combine a fat and protein source with each meal, including breakfast. This will help satisfy you for a longer period of time. Then eat a moderate amount of carbs for lunch and a low-carb, high-protein meal for dinner. This will help you fall asleep and STAY asleep.

Lastly, try not to consume too many fluids before bed, as this could be another trap, when you have to get up to use the restroom, which again interferes with your sleep patterns.

The bottom line is if you want to see optimal results, you HAVE TO get your REST.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Passion almost always breeds Success...

Have you ever noticed how when you feel REALLY excited and passionate about something, whether it's a new movie, an intriguing book or how amazing you felt after a perfect evening on the town? Whatever the case, you often feel inspired, refreshed and boosted by this positive flow of energy.

So, the next time you feel like you can't make it through another monogamous day, remember that a quick shift in emotions can completely change in a moments notice.

How do I do this, you may be asking?: Neuro-liguistic programming (NLP).

NLP was originally designed by linguist John Grinder and mathematician and gestalt therapist Richard Bandler. It is used as a therapeutic technique for many behavioral conditions including state-of-mind. Studies have proven time and time again that by simply linking or "anchoring" the feeling that you have when you're most passionate and resourceful to an undesirable state can instantly shift our brains thus our emotions.

So remember that whatever circumstances in life you may be facing, how you choose to react to them is all that matters. Think of the people in your life that have contagious personalities. You just can't help but want to be around them. And then ask yourself if you have ever met anyone in your life that had everything figured out and in order?.....I can't think of a single one in my life!

No matter the circumstance, we ALL share one thing...how we chose to respond to life's challenges.

Top secret for the day:

Stay Positive...stay Motivated...stay Engaged with people.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Aside from a poor diet and lack of exercise, lets explore the root cause of your frustrations.

I know the words "hormones" and "endocrine system" have been tossed around in conversation and have gained popularity in recent times, but what do they really mean and how will knowing about them affect me?

Well, plain and simple, virtually every function produced by the body is initiated and released by a hormone in our brains. The hormones are a direct signal to our bodies. The chemical hormone is sent from the pituitary gland of the brain to the liver, which actually secretes the chemical to the rest of the body to form a specific reaction.

The 6 main hormones, in both male and female that conflict with our body fat are estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, T3, T4 and DHEA (adrenal gland). If one of these guys are not within normal ranges for your body it will eventually throw them all off.

So what do we do to have our hormones a.k.a. endocrine system all within normal ranges?
Well, first off, a full-paneled blood test must be performed by your doctor and sent to a lab for testing. Secondly your doctor may prescribe some sort of supplement to support your thyroid gland (Armour or Synthroid) or a bio-identical hormone, personalized for your body. However, there hasn't been enough research to support the bio-identical hormones so, it is currently a controversial subject in the medical field.

You may even consider visiting a hormone specialist, also known as an endocrinologist.

Whatever the logistics, the point is that one small hormone imbalance could be effecting ">when you feel hungry and full (ghrelin vs.leptin); why exercise seems torturous and sleep has become a luxury; why your metabolism is nonexistent; why the belly fat and bloating; or you just can't get rid of your acne; your unruly headaches; depression for no apparent reason; anxiety; foggy brain; memory loss; I could go on till I'm blue in the face people!!!

There is truly one common theme that should NOT be ignored! HORMONE BALANCE!!

And beyond what pills the doctors may give you, if you want to reverse these effects, you must dispose the toxins from your everyday life (house-hold cleaners, toothpaste, makeup, lotions, non organic produce, etc...)PS:Read "Master Your Metabolism" by Jillian Michaels

I challenge you to take responsibility for your body and be persistent with transforming your lifestyle because most of the time there is no quick-fix to hormone balance but it could be the most crucial element to feeling like yourself again.

Monday, October 4, 2010

what's the difference between interest and a commitment?

...which one have you been practicing? And what are the results?

“There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something you do it only when it is convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.” Kenneth Blanchard

He said it right, forget everything you ever learned and start fresh right now! Quit your whining, excuses and manipulations to get what you want out of people, and truly become responsible for yourself.

I tell my clients all the time, "I am only a tool on your tool belt and you can use me for information, encouragement and knowledge but only
can achieve your outcome.

That is the difference between the clients who succeed on my program, in not only losing weight, but keeping it off for good, and the clients that don't, who grab the tools and hide them away for a rainy day. PS: that day will never be here!!!

In the mean time they use my energy, discipline-nature and empowerment to get a hardcore training session, but once they leave, they automatically revert back to a lower frequency of energy and behavioral pattern losing their since of empowerment! (Reference: "Power vs. Force") great book! When my client grasps this crucial way of thinking, I remove the training wheels.

Bottom line, you have to own your POWER and love yourself enough to do WHATEVER it takes to meet your goals. Your ideas of what you want for yourself are no longer "pie in the sky" daydreams; they are VERY REAL and VERY achievable!

I challenge you to keep it simple this time a'round, release all your fears of failure, look this challenge in the eye and conquer!!!..... I promise you, there are many other important challenges and experiences in life worth fighting for, once you get this one under your belt. So quit being a statistic in this TRILLION dollar fitness industry and remember why you are living.

"There are no short cuts to any place worth going..." -Beverly Sills

Love to all.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How Exercise Eases Anxiety

Studies show that exercise can help manage anxiety. Learn about the best choices to reduce your stress levels.
By Diana Rodriguez
Medically reviewed by Niya Jones, MD, MPH

Anxiety can be overwhelming and cause many physical and emotional side effects. When you can't stop worrying, you can't sleep and you may even feel sick to your stomach. While an anxiety disorder should be monitored and treated by a qualified professional, exercise can be part of an effective treatment plan to help manage your anxiety symptoms.

Exercise and Anxiety: What the Research Says
"Exercise won't cure anxiety or depression, but the physical and psychological benefits can improve the symptoms,” explains Sally R. Connolly, LCSW, a therapist at the Couples Clinic of Louisville in Kentucky. "Research shows that at least 30 minutes of exercise three to five days a week can significantly make a difference.” Some studies have suggested that regular exercise can help alleviate anxiety as much as medications, and the anxiety-relieving effects of exercise may last longer than those of drugs.

Exercise and Anxiety: Who Benefits
While everyone can reap psychological benefits from exercise, research suggests that people who may see the biggest improvements in anxiety symptoms are those who:

Exercise consistently for at least several weeks
Are not already physically active
Have severe anxiety
Do aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or dancing
Exercise has also been shown to be effective in managing symptoms of depression, which frequently affects people with anxiety disorders.

Exercise and Anxiety: How Exercise Helps
"Anxiety is usually linked to an increased heart rate," notes Connolly. "Exercise can be very helpful with calming people's heart rate."

During exercise, your heart rate shoots up, but over time, as your fitness level improves, your heart begins to work more efficiently. As a result, your resting heart rate between exercise sessions eventually becomes slower. Improved heart and lung function due to regular aerobic activity are often associated with a greater sense of overall well-being, which can help offset feelings of anxiety.

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Even short bursts of exercise — just 10 to 15 minutes at a time — can improve your fitness and your mood. Connolly recommends that her patients get a total of 30 minutes of exercise a day, which can be broken into 10-minute blocks if necessary, between six and seven days a week.

Exercise can even help prevent anxiety disorders from beginning in the first place. One study showed that regular exercisers were at a 25 percent reduced risk of depression and anxiety disorders over a five-year period. Not surprisingly, exercise has also been found to improve mental clarity and concentration, both of which may be negatively affected by anxiety. Chemicals released in the brain during exercise may help improve the ability to focus and deal with stressful situations, thereby lessening the risk of anxiety and depression.

Exercise and Anxiety: Anti-Anxiety Workouts
Any exercise can help diminish anxiety, but Connolly says aerobic exercise that really gets your heart rate up will be the most beneficial. Some good aerobic exercises that can help manage anxiety are:

Brisk walking
"Dancing is a great exercise, and it has a lot of other side benefits. And it's great when you dance with other people," notes Connolly, since socializing can also boost your mood.

Though not aerobic, yoga can help offset anxiety symptoms. Yoga combines physical movement with meditation and deep breathing to help calm the mind and alleviate worry.

While weight training and other strengthening exercises are important for your overall health, they don’t seem to offer as much anxiety relief as activities that get your heart rate going.

We all know that exercise is good for the body, and now research shows that it's also good for the mind. In addition to managing your anxiety with a doctor's help, exercise is a powerful tool you can use to enhance your physical and mental health.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pump up Your Metabolism...good stuff!!!

Ask Jillian Michaels

Q: I've tried every diet under the sun in my life, and I'm really afraid I've ruined my metabolism. I seem to gain weight no matter what I eat now! Is there any way to fix this?
Jillian Michaels A:

This is such a good question — I'm so glad you asked! Many people suffer from the backlash that can result from years of yo-yo diets. What happens is this: When people let their calorie levels drop too low, their body's survival mechanism kicks in, lowering their metabolic set point (or basal metabolic rate). When they go off that crash diet and begin to eat normally again, they gain back any weight lost — plus. And what follows that? Yup, another crash diet.

The cycle is often very frustrating, but it CAN be reversed with time, consistency, and patience. What you'll need to do is the exact opposite of what we call shocking the metabolism; you have to allow your body time to adapt to a new metabolic set point — by being consistent, you'll force your body to adapt.

Okay, here's the game plan: First, set your daily caloric intake at 12 calories per pound of body weight. (For example, my weight is 117; 117 x 12 = 1,404 calories a day.) Then stick like glue to that calorie allowance for at least one to two months, depending on your metabolism. This will allow your body time to readjust your metabolic set point accordingly.

Now, here's the other part of the equation: The absolute best way to pump up your metabolism is to EXERCISE. You'll be burning calories not only during your workout but also up to 48 hours after — all the while increasing lean muscle tissue, which speeds the metabolism over the long term. Aim for five hours of exercise a week if possible, but no fewer than three hours a week.
Ask Jillian Michaels
Pump Up Your Metabolism
Print E-mail
Q: I've tried every diet under the sun in my life, and I'm really afraid I've ruined my metabolism. I seem to gain weight no matter what I eat now! Is there any way to fix this?
Jillian Michaels A:

This is such a good question — I'm so glad you asked! Many people suffer from the backlash that can result from years of yo-yo diets. What happens is this: When people let their calorie levels drop too low, their body's survival mechanism kicks in, lowering their metabolic set point (or basal metabolic rate). When they go off that crash diet and begin to eat normally again, they gain back any weight lost — plus. And what follows that? Yup, another crash diet.

The cycle is often very frustrating, but it CAN be reversed with time, consistency, and patience. What you'll need to do is the exact opposite of what we call shocking the metabolism; you have to allow your body time to adapt to a new metabolic set point — by being consistent, you'll force your body to adapt.

Okay, here's the game plan: First, set your daily caloric intake at 12 calories per pound of body weight. (For example, my weight is 117; 117 x 12 = 1,404 calories a day.) Then stick like glue to that calorie allowance for at least one to two months, depending on your metabolism. This will allow your body time to readjust your metabolic set point accordingly.

Now, here's the other part of the equation: The absolute best way to pump up your metabolism is to EXERCISE. You'll be burning calories not only during your workout but also up to 48 hours after — all the while increasing lean muscle tissue, which speeds the metabolism over the long term. Aim for five hours of exercise a week if possible, but no fewer than three hours a week.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What do Hormones got to do with weightloss? ummm, EVERYTHING!!!!!

Hormones And Weight Loss
So you know my book, Master Your Metabolism, is all about hormones and how you can balance them. But you might wonder, "What do hormones have to do with anything?" Let me explain.

If I were to ask you what your metabolism is, what would you say? I bet you would answer, "The way my body burns calories." If so, you would be wrong. That's one of the key things your metabolism does. But I'm asking whether you know what it is.

The answer is hormones! Your metabolism is your biochemistry. Some hormones tell you you're hungry; some tell you you're full. When you eat, hormones tell your body what to do with that food — whether to store it or burn it as fuel. And when you exercise, hormones tell your body how to move and consume energy stores, and how to boost or shut down different body parts. Hormones control almost every aspect of how we gain weight — and how we can lose it.

The endocrine system — the group of organs and glands responsible for releasing hormones that regulate key bodily functions — is sometimes compared to an orchestra. Each hormone is like an instrument. Playing together, in tune, they sound amazing. But what happens if, right in the middle of a concert, a violin suddenly goes wildly astray, twanging on its own? And then a clarinet starts shrieking? And then the pianist can't keep up? The music would sound like crap, right?

It's exactly the same with your metabolism. Your body can't work the way it's supposed to if any of your hormones is out of tune. Once one goes, they all follow. That's why you can't just focus on one hormone at a time when you're trying to balance your hormones — you have to work to get them all in tune and playing in the right key again.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stave Off Boredom and Stop Overeating

Jillian say's it best:

Hey, you! Yeah, you! Did you just spend the last three nights in a row mindlessly munching in front of the television? If this sounds about right, you're not alone.

Boredom is one of the most common causes of overeating. SO many of us are drawn to the fridge the minute we have a little downtime. But if you eat because you can't find anything else to do, then you're sabotaging yourself.

So, what's the good news here? Well, part of your work is already done — you've identified boredom eating as a problem. But that was the past. Focus on the present — take the time to think ahead and come up with ways to combat every potentially sabotaging situation. For example, if food commercials on television make you hungry and/or drive you to snack uncontrollably, record or TiVo your shows so that you can skip those tempting commercials. Or, keep a few magazines close by so that you have something to zone out with until the commercials are over.

Losing weight isn't about making willpower an overwhelming new personality trait; it's about changing your everyday behavior. You can do this.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

...A recent meal plan/grocery list sample, for mostly BALANCED OXIDIZER'S, I sent to one of my new clients....

Meal Suggestions:

Breakfast: (within an hour upon awaking to jump start the metabolism)
1/2 cup Quaker Oats with 1/2 cup of berries of your choice. (add a Tsp of Stevia if you desire sweetness)
or ½ Quakers Weight Control Oatmeal with a small apple with cinnamon. (with 1 Tbsp. of liquid Flaxseed oil).

If you just have regular oatmeal, not the “Weight Control Oatmeal” then add 3 egg whites or 2 whites and 1 yolk scrambled or boiled (add pepper, no salt and any spice or seasonings of your choice that don’t have sodium (cayenne pepper, garlic powder, Tabasco sauce, salsa, hot sauce….JUST NO added SALT unless it’s a tiny bit of Sea Salt for taste ).
1 cup of coffee with a splash of fat-free milk and tsp of Stevia

(3-4 hours later…) Lunch:
Fist-size Turkey (low sodium, no preservatives)
With 1 cup of steamed green veggies (broccoli, asparagus….with lemon and 1 TBLS of Extra virgin Olive Oil).
and 1-2 ounces or ½ small sweet potato or ½ cup Brown rice or Whole Wheat Cous Cous

(3-4 hours later…) Afternoon Snack: 100% Whey Protein shake, add 1 cup of berries, ice and water or (Smoothie Factory- “Engineered foods” with “I-sopure” vanilla, water, strawberries, blueberries), Smoothie King- Strawberry Shredder) or a shake from “Shake Oasis” or a handful (6 or 7) almonds, 10 cashews, 30 pistachios, 2 Brazil nuts, 30 peanuts, or 2 Tbls of almond or sodium-free peanut butter with 1 small piece of fruit (apple, pear, orange, peach or 1 cup of any kind of berry: (NO melons, grapes, carrots, peas, corn, bananas for now…later it is okay once a day to have a serving of any of these).

(3-4 hours later…) Dinner:
Fist-size (2-4 ounces) white fish (mahi-mahi,tilapia, sol, halibut, etc.., Wild-Alaskan salmon, Organic Grass-fed Chicken or low sodium Turkey.
With 3-4 cups of field greens or romaine lettuce; plus add veggies like cherry tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, or avocado (1/4)- if you add avocado, no nuts in salad) or add whatever you like that is low in sugar) like strawberries, reduced-fat feta cheese (1 oz) and 2 slices red onion and walnuts or pecans (6-7 nuts)
Dressing (! Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and 1 Tbs. of Balsamic vinegar ((under 3 grams of sugar)))
1-2 ounce of Sweet potato
Dessert: Small piece of fruit.

½ cup Whole grain pasta and Organic lower sodium Marinara sauce with any herbs and spices and a side salad.

Dessert: 1 Healthy Choice Fudge Pop (80 cal.) or small apple with ½ yogurt, sugar-free Jello Pudding, (just stay under 100 calories)

Special directions:
(Don’t be discouraged if you are loosing more inches than weight...as long as your clothes are fitting differently your body mass is changing).
-Always weigh at the same time, on the same scale for maximum accuracy (best time: in the morning after urinating).

-Check labels at grocery store- nothing with over 3 grams of processed sugar.
Don't add salt to anything
Only drink WATER at least 80 oz per day
No food after dinner (no dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime)
No alcohol at all: if you must a glass of red wine followed by 8oz water
Make sure to get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep: so know fluids before bed to avoid bathroom at night.
Grocery List Sample:

Distilled Water
EAS AdvantEdge low-carb shakes
Flavored Water (Le Nature’s is a great brand: strawberry-kiwi or mango-peach)
Green Tea or chamomile

Condiments and Spices:

Balsalmic Vinegar (with under 3 grams of sugar)
Carb Option Barbecue sauce/ketchup/tomatoes pasta sauce (optional)
Extra-Virgin Olive oil
Fat-free or Light Mayo
French’s Honey Mustard
Ground Cinnamon
Organic cooking spray (Organic or olive)
Stevia (orange box has no after taste)

Organic low fat milk
Fat-free or Low fat cottage cheese
Low-fat sour cream (optional)
Any reduced fat Organic cheese (spread, feta, American, etc…)

Fruits and Veggies:
Asian pears
Green Beans
Lettuce (except Iceberg = no nutritient’s)
Mushrooms (portabella, shitake, Bella)
Peppers (bell, red, yellow)
Low sodium pickles (optional or make them yourself)
Spaghetti squash
Tomatoes (all types)

Grains, nuts and Legumes:

All-Bran low sodium cereal
Almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, peanuts, raw (not roasted or salted)
Black Beans (Fat-free, organic and low sodium)
Healthy Valley 8 Grain low-sodium cereal
Kashi Go-Lean Cereal
La Tortilla Factory, small size (50 calories per tortilla)
Low-sodium Organic Peanut Butter, fresh ground or natural
Quakers Weight Control Oatmeal
Whole-grain bread (preferably low-sodium; Ezekiel 4:9 is my favorite)


Deli Meats: Low-sodium ham, turkey, roast beef (nitrate free)
Halibut fillets
Extra Lean ground Turkey (Jenny-o is my favorite)
Low-sodium canned tuna (StarKist)
Wild-Alaskan Salmon Fillets
Skinless chicken breast
Swordfish steaks
Tilapia fillets
Tuna steaks
Turkey and chicken breakfast sausages
Turkey bacon (nitrate free)
Buffalo or any wild game lean cuts

Popcorn (air popped, no added salt or oil/ 100 cal pacs if you must for quickness)
Sugar-free fudge sickles (sugar free not “no sugar added”
Sugar free Jell-O (optional)
Swiss Miss Diet hot Chocolate (optional)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Are your Genes your Scapegoat? The Truth About Your Slow Metabolism...

The Truth About Your Slow Metabolism

You probably know someone who can eat everything in sight, but still struggles to keep weight on. I don't know about you, but I can't do that. My metabolism certainly doesn't allow it — and I am guessing yours doesn't either. So where does a slowpoke metabolism come from and how do you change it? You probably want to blame bad genes for your metabolism. Sure, blame your parents! That's the easy way out. Genes are only a piece of the picture — it's the choices you make every day that are to blame. Wise up and take the responsibility yourself!

When we starve ourselves on yo-yo diets, eat processed foods, surround ourselves with toxins, work beyond the point of exhaustion, all these choices influence the way our metabolism processes food, burns calories, and regulates weight. To learn how to manipulate our biochemistry to our benefit, we have to understand how our hormones have already been manipulated to our detriment. Here are some of the ways.

Too many lazy years: You've spent a lot of time on the couch. Don't blame your lagging metabolism just because you never exercised.

Too many yo-yo diets: Instead of maintaining a stable weight, you've developed a frustrating up-and-down weight-loss pattern. You know the drill: You've repeatedly gone on extreme diets and lost weight, then you've slipped back into your old ways of eating and regained that weight.

Too many of the same foods, all processed: You've consumed frakenfoods that your body doesn't recognize as real food — because they're not!

Too many pesticides in our food: Some farmers spray harmful pesticides on our food, and you've chosen those over organic foods.

Too many toxins in our environment: More than 100,000 synthetic chemicals have been registered for commercial use — with 2,000 more added each year — but very few of them have been tested adequately for toxicity. You've been exposed to many synthetic chemicals in products in and around your home.

Too many bad bugs — and not enough good ones: You've tried to rid yourselves of pests with an onslaught of antibacterial products, which is pointless and not beneficial for the healthy functioning of your immune system.

Too many hours at work — and not enough in bed: You've let yourself get stressed out. Stress is like kryptonite for your hormones — even just a bit of it can throw them entirely out of whack.

Too many pharmaceuticals — even in our water: You've taken prescriptions dashed off by your doctor and haven't always checked out how they might interact with certain herbs, vitamins, or other supplements or prescriptions. All these pharmaceuticals could have a serious impact on your hormonal health.

Too many cigarettes: You've ignored all the medical findings on the damage smoking can cause. Smoking negatively impacts endocrine glands, which produce hormones, in addition to pretty much every cell in your body.

Basically too much, period! Yes, there is no denying that we are struggling with an environment that conspires to make and keep us fat. But you have the power to do something about it! You need to realize that your metabolism and hormones can start working for you again — just clean up your act with a healthy home and healthy eating, and you'll be able to tip the balance toward staying naturally skinny.

From LOSING IT! With Jillian Michaels
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

...Words of the Wise...CRUCIAL FOR Long-Term WEIGHT LOSS!!!!

"Metabolism and Your Hormones

I haven't gone soft on the importance of exercise or watching calories, but what I've discovered over the years is that mastering your metabolism (and essentially, your hormones!) is the key to changing your life — much more than just getting skinny. I'm talking about adding years of quality to your life.

We all know that fad diets are a thing of the past (or at least I hope we do!). The no-carb, no-fat crazes of the eighties and nineties are scientific laughingstocks and pop-culture dinosaurs. Now that you're living in the present, I want to let you in on the secret that will keep your body healthy and hot naturally: hormones.

So what do hormones have to do with anything? If I were to ask you what your metabolism is, would you say, "It's the way my body burns calories"? If so, you're wrong! That's what your metabolism does, not what it is.

The correct answer is, your metabolism is your biochemistry. And that biochemistry is run by means of the chemical messengers known as hormones. Hormones tell you that you're hungry, full, when to eat, and what to do with your food (whether to burn it or store it). And when you exercise, hormones tell your body how to move and consume energy stores. Hormones control almost every aspect of how we gain weight — and how we can lose it.

The scary part is that your hormones — and by definition, your metabolism — are being set up to fail. Without your even knowing it, your hormones have been hijacked by toxin-filled, nutritionally deficient, stress-dominated foods — endocrine disruptors — that cause obesity and disease. It's time to target and eliminate these endocrine disruptors and replace them with the hormone-positive foods that make you healthy, happy, and skinny, no matter how old you are."- Jillian Michaels

Monday, January 25, 2010

What is Stopping you?

Do you ever think about about how life is happening right now as you
read this passage? There is no downtime to life, it just is. I hear
from my clients all the time say, "Once I get my weight down THEN I'll
be able toconquer the world; reach my full potential, have my vision become real.

The truth is, life is happening all around us right now and today is essentially all we know we have so why not right now? What's the worst that could happen?

So, enough with the, "I'll get to it."...when I have enough energy. Energy in fact, can be increased by sharing with others. Think about it.

I've been to enough funerals in my life to realize that it doesn't matter my demographic, we can be taken off this earth at any moment, so live in this moment as if it were your VERY last one.

I challenge you to do 3 bold things today that are VERY much out of your comfort zone.


Make that phone call you keep avoiding.
Initiate that hug you dread.
Meet a perfect stranger.
Ask someone out on a date.
Get a run in or a gym visit.

I would love to hear ALL of your thoughts....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Years!

..Okay, so now that the New Year has begun your going to be hearing A LOT from me!!!

*****Tune in to BIGGEST LOSER SEASON 9 Premiering this evening at 8/7central on NBC to support my girl, Jillian; and then she will be talking about her NEW SHOW on Jay Leno immediately following!!!


Amy Solomon writes: "There's nothing magic about New Year's — you can make the decision to be kinder to your body every day, and each day is a new beginning."

This Weeks Post:
Get up and start moving!!!