Monday, November 2, 2009

Change up your life-routine

You would be astounded by how much positive energy arises from changing up your daily routine. Our minds create defaults or “go-to’s,” which eventually become our so-called, "comfort zone". We all naturally want to gravitate towards our security blankets, but I have learned that growth does NOT take place with the familiar.

I am talking about the little things….

• Have Ezekiel 4:9 toast with almond butter instead of your everyday instant oatmeal breakfast.

• Be intimate with your husband at your lunch break instead of before-bed or none at all.

• Take a different route to work today.

• Enjoy your daily workout outside or take a free dance class at your gym.

It is also healthy to include weekly constants in your life as an anchor.

• Go to a comedy-show or your favorite gelato place just because it is Wednesday.
• Enjoy nature walks.
• Stop and notice the trees, the flowers, and the water.
• Smell the scents of the season you are living in.
• Notice the difference between the smells of winter versus spring.
• Go ALL out for the winter holidays this year!

Stop dreading the mundane and take advantage of the holiday seasons you GET to have. Embrace all of the memories and moments you GET to create. This is something my mom has always modeled to me. She always decorates the house immaculately, for each holiday, especially Christmas and Halloween.

She throws memory filled Christmas and Halloween bashes that people talk about and anticipate for years. She has always taught me to create joy around me; rather than expect it to be given to you. And, by the way, you do not have to spend a fortune on all of this, either.

Which do you remember more? The delicious home-made pumpkin spice bread your mom bakes every year and all of the Christmas gatherings with the kids in the family; or the expensive necklace your husband bought you five years ago, that’s hidden in your jewelry box, and the expensive silver-plated dishes you purchased to only use annually.

Honestly, one day I realized, God does not want me to sit and mope. The world does not care if I am miserable or feel sorry for me and my circumstances. I began to put my life into perspective.

Let's see, I am breathing, I have a pulse, I am still here, and living; I must have some purpose on earth. What do I have to give? I knew I had to put my fears aside and start actively pursuing my purpose.

Rise above your circumstances. Become aware of your verbiage or self-talk. How do you talk to your husband; your children; your friends; your elders?

AWARENESS is the first step to freedom and change!

Next step, ACTION!

Next week’s topic: Vital Chemical Balance in the Brain

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