Thursday, November 12, 2009

Am I WORTH it?

YES!!! Take a look in the mirror!

You have got to believe in yourself and know, for a fact, that you deserve a hot, sexy, lean body! This factor is precisely what's going to keep you motivated and persistent to your goals. First off, you cannot workout for any one's approval but your own! Trust me, you won't make it if you have this false mentality, and even if you did you wouldn’t maintain it for long because a positive body-image requires self-love and self-worth. It is a mind, body apparatus, therefore your mind must think positive, sharp and clearly on the outcome or goal you plan to achieve.

I CAN'T stand it when I see people walk through those gym doors everyday and bust their butt's on a cardio machine and they maintain the SAME weight after months of vigorous training. The discouragement this creates is what set's people off and turns them away from exercise!

Before you hit the gym, you must have a clear picture of what you want and an exact plan of execution. And also know that you have to maintain a healthy, clean diet to have the energy and weight loss you seek! Without this key factor, no amount of hours on that elliptical will get you to your goal weight. (And you can not crunch your way to ab's either, by the way).

I suggest starting out slow and gradually, and try and up your game, each time you set foot in that gym! Make short terms weight loss goals, each week and in the three months, tops, you can literally transform your entire body.

An entire lifestyle change MUST take place for this process to be efficient and with out drama. If you truly believe you are worth every bit of sweat and tears you create, YOU too can have that lean, sexy bod that you envy, so much.

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