Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jillian's 7 Simple Diet Rules!

Get ready to hear it again! You should be eating all-natural, organic foods! You will feel so much better and more energized, scouts honor! You are what you eat, people! So, if you feel sluggish, dissatisfied and tired all the time, there’s usually a clear reason why. You may not be eating often enough or consuming the right combinations of foods.

Jillian has SEVEN simple diet rules:

1. STICK TO YOUR MAJIC NUMBER (Women: Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR = 655+(4.35 X weight in pounds)+ (4.7 X height in inches)-(4.7 X age in years; Men: BMR = 66+(6.23 X weight in pounds)+(12.7 X height in inches)-(6.8 X age in years))

2. EAT FOR YOUR METABOLIC TYPE. (Take the Metabolic Typing Test that I have posted)

3. EAT EVERY FOUR HOURS, AND NO SKIPPING MEALS!(For blood sugar-level stability)

4. NO PROCESSED OR JUNK FOODS- PERIOD! (Packaged, long shelf-life, etc...)

5. BEAT THE BLOAT-SODIUM AND WATER CONSUMPTION (Women at least 88 oz per day, men at least 120 oz), plus ingest under 1,000 mg of sodium per day in order to maximize fat burn).

6. NO BOOZE (causes water loss, dehydration, lose of important minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc., can increase estrogen and lead to breast cancer; alcohol is considered "empty-calories" and will sabotage weight loss.)

(keep a daily detailed food/exercise journal/ checkout www.sparkpeople.com or www.caloriesperhour.com)

And finally, quit being a statistic. Fight for your your BEST life!

Ask yourself questions.

How do you feel during and after you eat a high carb, high calorie meal
Versus a healthy, nutritiously-enriched, low-carb, low-caloric meal?

Where is your mind when you are eating food?

Why do you dread exercise so much?

Why do you always feel so sluggish and fatigued?

I have had an incredible amount of success by following Jillian’s 7 rules, to the letter, but I also learned to change up my daily workout routines about every 3-4 months, spend daily quality time with myself and change my meal options as often as possible. This lifestyle change is worth all of the hard work and pays off BIG!

1 comment:

  1. I applaud you for having the courage to put yourself out there and for bringing your life and story to the front lines! Keep adding and keep writing! It is a dily struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle in today's overproccesed world, the more people hear it, hopefully the more they will opt for clean eating! Thanks!
